
Welcome to Spanish 1

Information to help you as you begin Spanish this year
 Materials needed for class
    1 inch three ring binder   
    tabbed dividers
    loose leaf paper
    pen or pencil
    Optional but very helpful- Plastic page protectors

1. I am here to help. Don't be afraid to come to me if you need anything:) I am YOUR Lifesaver!
          I am available ---between classes
                                 ---7:45 before school
                                 ---3:15 after school
       Contact me with concerns or questions at

2. My website is here to help you!
           You will find: flashcards
                                   vocabulary lists
                                   lesson plans
                                  absent student reports

3. If you are absent I want you to get the information you need.
            Two options:1. Absent student folder at the front of the room.
                                2.  Absent student  Report online

4.  There are two things to do daily that will be your lifesaver.
            1.Review vocabulary daily.  Use flashcards or your notes.
            2. Participate and focus attention on Spanish during class.  (Remember participation is part of your grade)