Español 1

Qué hicimos en la clase…

Día de la semana (day of the week) jueves  -Thursday
Fecha (date) el 08 de octubre 10/08/15
Actividades de la clase (class activities Completed project

Vocabulario Nuevo (new vocabulary)
New vocabulary.

Tarea (homework)  Project Requirements:
Take 2 pieces of computer paper and fold in half the make a book.
Front Cover:  Write
Me duele ...
Nombre-(Your name here)

Pages 1-6
Write a sentence telling what hurts you.
Draw a picture and color the part that hurts
Use me duele/ me duelen in each sentence. (3 times each)
Use definite articles and correct singular or plural of the noun
Spell everything correctly

Sample sentence
Me duele el pie.
Then draw a person and color the foot.