Timed writing prompt for September 18, 2012
Timed Writing for October16
Write about whatever you would like once again, but make sure to include:
~3 different tener expressions
~1 saber and 1 conocer sentence
~5 new picture vocabulary words
~ use pero, porque, por eso each once
Make sure you are writing at least
55 words!
Timed Writing for October 23
Think about what technology
you use everyday.
Talk about the items you use and how you use them.
Include 5 new picture vocabulary.
Use 1 saber and
1 conocer.
Use 3 gustar or similar verbs
(must be different ones)
Use entonces, también, proxímo- (next)
Must have 60 words
Timed writing for October 30
You may write about
any topic you would like.
You must use at least 1 tener
expression and the verbs 1 saber
and 1 conocer. Use 1 acabar de statement.
Use 2 gustar type verbs.
Use 5 picture vocabulary.
Use entonces, primero and segundo
Min. 65 words
Timed writing November 6th
Timed writing prompt for
November 20th
Describe your room!
~5 different new vocabulary words
~2 tener expressions,
~ 3 different gustar verbs
~ pero, porque, por eso
70 words or more
Timed writing for November 27
Describe what you do to help around the house or outside the house. Then compare the items in your home to the items in the home of a friend.
~ 5 new picture vocabulary words
~ Use two equal comparisons *1
tan …como *1 tanto… como
~ Use one acabar de + infinitive statement.
~ Use 2 gustar statements
~ Use también, así que , entonces
Must be more than 70 words.
Timed writing December 4th
Describe your house and compare to a friend’s house!
~ Use at least 5 different new vocabulary words
~ Use 1 más que statement
~ Use 1 menos que statement
~ Use 3 different gustar verbs
~ Use también, así que and por eso.
Must have 75 words
Quarter 3 Timed
writing prompts
January 15
January 22
January 29